Meet Yvonne
Certified MAP Practitioner
Health & Wellness Optimization Coach
Yvonne has 35 years in the field of physical therapy and energy healing, specializing in neuro rehabilitation, chronic illness, psycho-emotional and performance success. Yvonne has developed and embraces gifts, skills and talents that empower indiviuals to balance their mind, body & spirit, excelling their true potential on all levels.
As a MAP Practitioner Yvonne works with health and wellness professionals as part of a team to leverage all skills sets, for enhanced client success.
Faith Based MAP Practitioner: Yvonne's Divine higher consciousness is God - Jesus & The Holy Spirit. MAP is a gift God has blessed Yvonne with to share with others.
Romans 8:6 When My Spirit is controlling your mind, you are filled with life & peace.
Certified MAP Practitioner
Health & Wellness Optimization Coach
MAP (Make Anything Possible)™
MAP is the number one method to clear subconscious blocks. This is accomplished by training the brain to find and neutralize the negative unconscious memories. This means that you don't have to know, remember, or understand why you have a block. You can, therefore, easily and safely release your inner blocks and finally reach your full potential. Neuroscience has proven that the brain can neutralize negative memories within seconds.
Do you suffer with the following?
You are not alone, MAP was created to help you live life abundantly, ready to learn more?
Personalized Sessions Via Zoom
Book your COMPLIMENTARY consultation to learn more about how MAP can change your life.

What Clients Say

"The healer you have been looking for is your own courage to know and love yourself completely"